This is the difference between the current value of the TB register and tb_orig_stamp. 这就是TB寄存器的当前值与tborigstamp之间的差值。
Clicking on a specific parameter provides details, such as the description of what that parameter does, parameter type, constraints ( like minimum value and maximum value), and current value. 单击特定参数就会显示详细信息,比如对参数作用的描述、参数类型、约束(比如最小值和最大值)和当前值。
I've clicked Variables so we can see the current value of i. 这里我单击了Variables视图,以便我们能够看到i的当前值。
Now you want to multiply this result by the current value under consideration. 现在您想用考虑中的当前值去乘该结果。
In the onMessage method, the Calculator service proxy gets the current value of the total. 在onMessage方法中,Calculator服务器代理取当前的total值。
The application also provides a readout underneath the slider that displays the slider's current value. 该应用程序也在滑块下方提供了一个示值读数,显示滑块当前值。
Check to see whether the current value ( s) being processed match the base case. 检查要处理的当前值是否已经与基线条件相匹配。
And the getValue() generates get the final value, or current value, of your calculation. getValue()获取您的计算的最终值或当前值。
Notice that this second SQL query contains a question mark(?) placeholder& at run-time, this placeholder is replaced by the current value of the fields specified in the data array. 注意,第二个SQL查询包含了一个问号(?)占位符&运行时,此占位符被data数组中指定的字段当前值替代。
It first explained key concepts such as code pages, code points, and encoding schemes, and indicated how to review their current value, and how to update the value. 它首先解释了诸如代码页、代码点和编码模式等关键概念,并说明了如何查看它们的当前值以及如何更新该值。
When a sequence or set is specified, you can provide the-o option with a template, where# 1 is replaced with the current value of the first sequence or set,# 2 is a placeholder for the second, and so on. 在指定序列或集时,可以提供-o选项和一个模板,模板中的1替换为第一个序列或集的当前值,2是第二个序列或集的占位符,以此类推。
User has to check current value of this attribute after enabling protection using the lsattr-El hdisk# command. 启用保护之后,用户必须使用lsattr-Elhdisk命令检查这个属性的当前值。
If the ascending sort matches the current value of X coordinates, the right-swipe condition is set. 如果升序排序匹配X坐标的当前值,则设置右击(right-swipe)条件。
Polling: The collector is invoked on a regular frequency, and it retrieves and traces the current value of a metric or set of metrics from a PDS. 轮询:按固定频繁调用收集器,它将检索和跟踪PDS中的指标或指标集的当前值。
The CD form loads and displays whatever the current value of the CD property's properties are set to. CD表单会加载并显示CD属性的属性设置。
Writes to the variable do not depend on its current value. 对变量的写操作不依赖于当前值。
Have you ever wanted to compare previous versions of a value to the current value dynamically at runtime? 您有没有想过在运行时间将先前版本的值与当前的值动态地进行比较?
The dynamic values include the current value, the minimum, the maximum, the total, etc. 动态值包含当前值、最小值、最大值、总数等等。
Indicate the current value for an item. 指示某个项的当前值。
The variable's address in memory is0x2FF22938, and its current value is10. 变量在内存中的地址是0x2FF22938,而它当前的值则是10。
You can query or set the current value of these controls. 您可以查询或设置这些控件的当前值。
Current value is calculated with formula when the mass of Zn coat is minimum. 通过公式计算出最小镀锌量时的电流值。
The current value of an Item Property is returned by ReadItemProperty. 函数可以返回一个项目属性的当前值。
The current value can be read off at the right of the scale. 现值可以在天平的右边读出来。
More specifically, we need the current value of the flag register. 更准确的说,我们需要标志寄存器的当前值。
Letting the renminbi appreciate from its current value of 6.83 per dollar would be good for the world. 让人民币从目前1美元兑6.83元人民币的水平升值,对世界将是一件好事。
Event causes this property to be updated with the current value. 事件会导致此属性更新为当前的值。
Assignment involves obliterating an object's current value and replacing that value with a new one. 而赋值则是擦除对象的当前值并用新值代替。
The timer can generate an interrupt signal upon timeout, or provide the current value of count during operation. 按时器可以产生一个中断旌旗灯号后,超时,或在操纵过程中供给的计数当前值。
When a point is inhibited, it shall continue to be entered into the database indicating its current value. 当一个点是抑制,它将继续输入数据库表明其目前价值。